Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Train Wreck

Today, for the first time in as long as I can remember, I took pain medication because of something strenuous that I did on purpose, rather than something stupid that I did on accident. I am talking about the Bike Co-op trip to the site of the Great Kimpton Train Wreck. About thirty of us exercise junkies made this 12 mile trek through Ohio fields and forests, with the hope of free "refreshments" spurring us on. On the way, I gained new knowledge that I would like to share with you now:

There is no such thing as a "leisurely" 12-mile bike trip, especially when all your companions have racing bikes.

Gears can be your friend if you know how to use them. If you don't, they laugh at your pain. Six miles is a very long time to be on the wrong gear. Remember, the highest gear is for downhill, the lowest is for uphill. Or is it the other way around?

Your bike seat should be high enough to fully extend your legs, about to the bottom of your pubic bone when you stand next to it.

Campus is surrounded by beautiful woods and streams, and fields which have been left fallow and are full or wildflowers. Even in September, the wildflowers of Lorrain county are gorgeous.

My allergies in Ohio are not nearly as bad as they are in Louisville- unless I'm riding through fields of wildflowers.

Tea is not adequate hydration for hard-core exercise.

Sore buns do not like wooden stools.

In other news, I think I got all my scheduling problems sorted out. We'll see.

1 comment:

Spenser Isdahl said...

Wow. Glad to see you're remaining active... but could you consider something a little less masochistic?