Monday, April 21, 2008

Why I Was Late

Special Thanks:
To Mr. Graham Akeson, for being there with the scissors, and only laughing a little.

Even super bass-babes are still not cool enough to ride their awesome bicycles in long skirts.

Other News:
-The sun is back.
-Contra dancing is the best most exhausting and satisfyingly fun thing I've done in a very long time. I've successfully passed out unconscious, and dreamless, on my bed at a reasonable hour for the past two weekends now, without the aid of any mind-altering substance. My calves hurt so good right now!
-I have so much work to do. ugh. moving on...
-Today's Psych/Neuro department lecture was on the defensive behaviors of rodents and humans. It was frickin amazing, if you want a proper explanation you're just gonna have to call me.
-blues dancing=hawt. I didn't think I could bend all those ways. Still not so sure I was meant to.
-Tonight the orchestra rehearses Mendelssohn's Elijah with full choir for the first time. I'm so stoked.
-I found a secret spot to practice in outside, which I will not tell you about, because some sneaky violinist will probably steal it. Just know that Mr. Darcy is getting his fair share of sunshine too.
-I miss you, and will be home soon. (soon=May 19th)


Spenser Isdahl said...

I still say it makes a better hat anyway.

Anonymous said...

Did you JUST rip off the bottom or did it rip all over? I got a mental image of you trying to untangle your skirt and I must say it was funny. Yeah, I probably didn't laugh AT THE TIME!

I can't wait for you to come home. Since we didn't get to spend any time together on your Spring Break, maybe we will during OUR summer break.

Hang in there and have fun.

Much love,
Aunt JeNie