Friday, August 24, 2007

The Wager

I finished my afghan today. If I had a digital camera, I'd model it for you, and put up a whole series of the beginning of our life together ('this is me and my afghan at we are in the pie and ice cream kitchen, oh look! here's us at the movies! Isn't she a beaut?!'). For now, just know that it is a bed warmer fit for a queen, and a perfectly productive and practical use of 50 hours :-).

So today I went outside, and I said "Jeez, it's frickin hot out here!" and I went back inside. And that's the end of my story. But seriously, what is with this crazy heat right now?! I had my misgivings about going to college up North, but I would rather wear itchy wool long-johns 24/7 than go cross-eyed and slimy with heat exhaustion every time I go out to trim my roses! Bring on the cold!

I went to lunch with my dad today, which was great, because he knows downtown restaurants like they're his best friends. We always go somewhere new, and it's always delicious. Dad gave me some excellent advice, which I will now share with you. He says not to put a red towel in with your whites in the wash, because it will turn all your underwear pink. These are wise words, which I think you should live by (even though, after further discussion, we decided that having lots of pink underwear wouldn't be so bad). We settled a few things as well; mom and dad will not be buying a small house in Ohio. I will not join a vegan cult. I will be able to come home sometimes, and I better not bring smelly laundry.

I do not yet have more exciting news for you, because you are gone, and I am here. I'm hitting the town tonight, though, maybe I'll see Michelle Pfeifer, or get robbed or something and then interviewed for TV. If so, I'll be sure and tell you.

I found out today that my parents have a bet going on how long it will take me to lose the key to my bike lock. Neither one will tell me their predictions. I guess they don’t want to skew the results. I’ll let you know who wins.

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